Bai Prarachatan Ngeontra 4 Tamlung (16 Baht)

Bai Prarachatan Ngeontra 15 Tamlung (60 Baht)

Bai Prarachatan Ngeontra 1 Chang (80 Baht)

Bai Prarachatan Ngeontra 1 Chang 10 Tamlung (120 Baht)
Appraisal price
- 10 Tamlung ordinary number EF about 830,000 - 870,000 baht.
The price was updated onb 26th December 2017.

More information
Bai Prarachatan Ngeontra is another kind of paper money that King Rama 4 assigned to print. No evidence can be found to establish the first year they were put into circulation. It is assumed that these notes were used as a means of payment to officials during the coin shortage, possibly in 1856 - 1860. These notes were not used as a normally currency.
Bai Prarachatan Ngeontra is a uniface paper money on white paper that bordered with a black frame of a graphic design. At the middle of the frame is the inscription Bai Prarachatan Ngeontra (Royal Money Gift Certificate) and its denomination in Thai. There are 4 different designs of the frame.
Bai Prarachatan Ngeontra came in different denominations; 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,10 12 and 15 Tamlung and 1 Chang, 1 Chang 5 Tamlung, 1 Chang 10 Tamlung (1 Tamlung = 4 Baht, 1 Chang = 80 Baht). People who received Bai Prarachatan Ngeontra always immediatly exchanged into Pod Duang at the Royal Treasury Department.